October 14, 2007 - Today's Update

Hello y'all,

Today is a glorious day. Not because there is any new development, but because it is the day the Lord has made. I decided to leave Dawn for a little while and go to church. We are going through the book of Mark at Bullitt Lick and today we were on Mark 10:13-27. Most of us don't have this verse memorized, so here are some key verses.

13 And they were bringing children to Him so that He might touch them; but the disciples rebuked them. 14 But when Jesus saw this, He was indignant and said to them, "Permit the children to come to Me; do not hinder them; for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. 15 "Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it at all." 16 And He took them in His arms and began blessing them, laying His hands on them.

Mark 10:13-16 (NASB)

Emily is dependant on the doctors and nurses for everything. If she was in our care, the case would be the same. We would be responsible for providing everything she needs to survive. We would feed her and clothe her and change her diaper. This is how God wants us to be with HIM. He wants us to depend on HIM for everything. Every breathe we take is a gift from HIM and we need to acknowledge that. Every decision we make, we should not think about how it affects us, but how it reflects HIM.

This is how I am trying to live my life. It is not easy because when He wants you to trust Him, He doesn't let you in on what He is doing until you can look back on the event and see His hand guiding every step. As an example, I graduated from seminary in May. It was my hope and prayer that I would have a new job and be settled in a new home in time for the baby's arrival. He had other plans. Looking back on it now, we are right near one of the best Children's Hospitals around, and Dawn is being taken care of by doctors that she knows and trusts. Our church family has been there every step of the way providing support and prayers and right now there is no better place for us to be than right here...we are where HE wants us to be.

All of this is to say that we need to put our trust in God alone! He knows what He is doing and where we need to be at every moment of our lives. Making a decision to follow Him with ALL of my heart has been one of the hardest things of my life, but one of the most rewarding. I have gone places I never would have thought (like Kentucky) and look forward to where He will take us next.

I am truly blessed and I just wanted to share this message with you.

On a separate note...I got to hold Emily in my arms today...it was a good day! Everything is the same for now as far as her progress. She is breathing on her own and she is still being fed through tubes and on medication to control the seizures. This will most likely continue for some time. Tomorrow she is going for an EEG and an MRI. These tests will give the doctors the information they need to make an assessment of what to do next. Hopefully, we will be speaking to the Neurologist tomorrow and getting some answers. If not tomorrow, definitely Tuesday.

So, the next time you hear from me we should know a little more than we do right now. I will write back as soon as we hear from the doctor and fill you all in on what is going on here.

Thank you all for the prayers and support! Let me assure you that your prayers are being answered because she looks great and Dawn and I are doing great. As I mentioned before, even if there is permanent damage, we are still blessed to have such a beautiful miracle in our lives!

May God bless you all as He has blessed us!!

Eph 2:4-7

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